What's up in the Garden? May '22


This is the flower row in 5 gallon buckets. Zinnias, cosmos, and a couple of honeywort.

This was a new variety from Baker Creek called Black Strawberry Tomato. I direct sowed it sometime in April. It has its first blooms growing right now. Very excited to try these! 

This is the Sugar Baby Bush watermelon. I think it's grown some? Looking at it everyday, I'm not really seeing a change.  

I crammed a bunch of cosmos in this bucket. The lady few times I've grown cosmos I've had problems with the wind breaking them. And then I end up with one stock. That's why I decided to plant a bunch together, that way they could hold each other up. We've already had a couple of bad storms that came through and they made it through. 

 A few of the herbs in my Back to Roots growbag. Front to back: chocolate mint, variegated lemon thyme, and dill. The dill is amazing! It's about 3 feet tall at this point. Has one flower head and 3 more that are just now unfurling. 

 The lemon bee balm is also doing amazing. I love seeing the leaves turn colors right before the flowers are getting ready to bloom!

 This is the bed that has the glass gem corn and golden zucchini. I also have a couple of sunflowers, zinnias, and nasturtium planted. It all seems to be doing well. 
 I've been trying to inspect the zucchini for squash vine borer eggs. I haven't spotted any yet. Crossing my fingers and toes. 

The okra is coming! We're getting into the really hot weather that okra loooooves. In this bed I also planted red swan beans, serranos, and purple beauty bell pepper. They're all growing steadily with blooms that are getting ready to pop! 
Last, but certainly not least, is the tomato and the tomatillo bed. I was having some flower drop problems. So each time I go out, I gently shake the flowers, hopefully getting them pollinated. I seem to be having less flower drop. 
The tomatillos are coveted in flowers. I've seen a few happy little bees just going from flower to flower. They also really going to love the 100° weather we're fixing to start getting. 
In this bed I also have dragon tongue beans. They have put off their first flush of beans. I have harvested them and am storing them in the freezer. 
The carrots are still growing. We pulled one up and it was starting to get its carrot shape but hadn't sized up completely. I'm going to leave them in there a little while longer and see what they do. 

That's all the updates I have for now.

Happy gardening!


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