The Herbs

 This is my first year growing any herbs. Instead of starting slowly and gradually adding herbs.  I went all in!  I've had some wins and losses so I wanted to go over those. 

Herbs that are currently growing: 

Bouquet Dill
Chocolate Mint
Variegated Lemon Thyme
Italian Oregano
Orangelo Thyme
Genovese Basil 
Lemon Basil
Dark Opal Basil

The dill is doing so well!  It's about 3 feet tall and has produced blooms. I have decided to let it go to seed. I planted dill to attract beneficial insects, and to save seeds for pickling. 

The variegated lemon thyme is doing awesome as well. I purchased this and transplanted it. It had adapted wonderfully and grown like crazy! I have continued to pinch the tops off to produce a bushier plant. This lemon thyme smells amazing! I love to run my fingers through it and just inhale.  

In this space I had originally planned a mint mix from Baker Creek. It had spearmint, apple mint, and peppermint. My favorite one to smell was the spearmint. I really enjoyed the sweetness of it. Then I was at H-E-B and smelled the chocolate mint. I didn't buy it immediately but I kept thinking about the wonderful aroma of the chocolate mint. I finally caved and bought it.  I ripped out the mint that was there and replaced it with the chocolate mint. It has filled out so nicely. I'm also pinching the tops off so that it will get bushy. 

 At first glance the oregano and the marjoram look similiar. But if you take a leaf, or rub it with your fingers, you can smell the difference. 
 This oregano does seem like it's struggling a little bit.  I purchased it as a transplant and I do believe it has went through some transplant shock. 
I purchased the marjoram as a start as well. The marjoram does look a little better, but, I think it also went through some transplant shock. 

 The tale of the orangelo thyme. I purchased these seeds from Baker Creek. I haven't had very much success.  The germination rate is low and I've managed to kill each seedling that has sprouted. Third times a charm?  Hopefully. 

 I started the cumin from seed. It was doing really well until I transplanted it. Then it just quit growing and eventually died. I direct sowed more cumin seeds a couple of weeks ago. I would love to see these grow!  

I direct sowed a couple of lemon basil into the tomato bed. It smells heavenly!  I purchased the seeds from Baker Creek (big surprise). It does receive moments of direct sun and dappled light. Our temperatures are already in the mid 90s and this basil seems to be growing still and thriving.

I couldn't resist trying out the dark opal basil. I direct sowed a couple of seeds and it seems to be doing well. It's also receiving dappled light. Considering our heat though it doesn't seem to mind a little shade. 
 I'm looking forward to trying this basil, especially, in a pesto, or as a dried herb. I love the aroma of this basil even more than the genovese. In the future this will probably be the one that I put into my garden.  

Last, but not least, is the genovese basil. I started this one from seed as well. It grew very quickly and hasn't stopped. When I'm out in the garden I can't resist pinching off a leaf everytime and inhaling the wonderful aroma.  It has tried to start producing flowers, but I have continued to pinch them off. I will probably let it go to flower soon for the bees and butterflies. 

That is it for today! I'm loving growing herbs and they will always have a place in my garden. 

Happy gardening!


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